Le terre di Cielo

Lo smalto colorato, una volta testato, è quindi pronto per essere spruzzato sulla superficie semi-lavorata dei pezzi essiccati e per diventarne parte integrante in seguito alla cottura a temperature che vanno dai 1230 ai 1250°C. Un attento procedimento scientifico si mostra anche in questo caso capace di rispondere a libertà espressive che rendono l’utilizzo degli elementi sanitari singolari esperienze sensoriali.

colour as experience


Prizes and Awards

The company has won numerous international design awards and encompasses those values that distinguish the excellence of Italian "doing" considered as a real reference model in the world; the quality of the design, the selection of the best materials, the attention to detail, the knowledge of craftsmanship and the constant search for harmony between form and function.

Ceramica Cielo

Prizes and Awards

The company has won numerous international design awards and encompasses those values that distinguish the excellence of Italian "doing" considered as a real reference model in the world; the quality of the design, the selection of the best materials, the attention to detail, the knowledge of craftsmanship and the constant search for harmony between form and function.
